Art2 Green Ghana

Activating the Cultural & Creative Value of Art 2 Drive a Net-Zero Future.

Art2Green Ghana initiative is the first Pan-African culture and creative economy festival for Sustainability" finance. Art2Green is an ecosystem conservation finance marketplace product that is structured as a pan-African innovative domestic resource Mobilization (IDRM) program to mainstream, manage, market and monetize the Culture arts and creative commodities of over 10 tribes in Ghana to activate the biggest, greenest Ecosystem conservation fund in the world.

Art2Green Ghana 22.0

Activate Your Art4Green Africa Token to Cultivate Opportunities 4 Resource Efficiency in Every Nation of Africa.


Days Art2Green ECOWAS Festival
Ethnic lingual Nationalities
0 +
Art2rybe Citizens
Arts2Green Commodities
Art2Green Auction
0 hrs
Art2Green Token
$ 0
Art2Green Money Marketplace
$ 0 Bn
Art venture citizens/ ESG capital
0 +
Trees for GGW/ Mangrove Conservation
0 m
Ecotourism Gift Cards
Green Pitch Grants
Eco-Citizen Volunteers
1 m
Health E-surrance Wallets
1 m
Climate leadership Scholarships
1 m
CleanCook Stoves
1 m
Crea82Green Ghana fund
$ 0 Mn
Art2Green Ghana Ambassador
Greenmanitarian fund
$ 0 Mn
SHE2Green Ghana investment fund
$ 0 Mn
Art2Green Ghana Hubs


Arts 4 Green Responsibility 2 End Ecosystem Degradation

Art2Green Ghana Impact Goals

  • Advocacy

    for UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration and the Glasgow Declaration/ PAGGW.

  • Bankability

    of Art commodity marketplace for green economy.

  • Creativity

    of Art2rybe citizens for sustainable development.

  • Diversity

    Currency of pan Ghana Culture and heritage marketplace for regional integration.

  • Eco-tourism

    marketplace opportunities for pan Ghana Sustainable travel industry.

  • Future forest

    finance initiative for Ecosystem Restoration in Ghana.

  • Green

    Economy Development program for climate smart Infrastructure/ technology.

  • Humanitarian

    fund for pan Ghana Greenmanitarian programs/DRR..

  • Impact

    Investment marketplace for corporate eco-citizens to promote programs that profit the planet for ESG currency.

  • Job

    creation opportunity for the Pan Ghana Eco-Marshalls program


Art2Green Ghana runs a socially inclusive embedded Eco-finance, Eco-nnovation, Eco-Citizenship and Eco-tourism Development product that goes beyond Art to facilitate the first Ghana future forest footprint finance initiative.

Art2green leaps beyond green-washing rhetorics to launch multi-sectoral green marketplace impact investment opportunities that secures net zero action for sustainable green growth in the Ghana Region.


#Art4Green Resource Efficiency & Eco-finance in Ghana.

Art2Green Ghana Impact Gains

  • Eco2rybe Art

    - Art2green Commodity Marketplace

  • Ecotourism

    - Sustainable Tourism Ghana

  • Eco-Literacy

    - Green Education

  • Eco-Scholarship

    - School2Green Grants

  • Eco-Conservation

    - Great Green Wall

  • Ecosurrance

    - Universal Health Coverage

  • Eco-Marshalls

    - Green Jobs

  • Eco-vocacy

    - Green Media

  • Eco-Volunteerism

    - Green Action

  • Eco-nnovation

    - Greentech

  • Ecoprenuership

    - Green Business

  • Ecostoves

    - Clean Energy

  • Ecowise

    - Gender and Climate Change

  • Ecofund

    - Climate Finance

  • Eco2rybe

    - Ambassadors | Artcolla Citizens

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